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Awaken Your Radiance & Manifest Your Dreams!

Let’s make ‘maybe someday’ happen today.

Transition to a life you love.

Unmotivated to passionately excited!


Perhaps you’ve heard George Elliot’s quote, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been,” but you aren’t sure what that means for you or how to get there? Maybe you’ve abandoned your dreams long ago or maybe you have so many dreams and desires that you feel overwhelmed with how to move forward. Maybe you have disregarded your own needs and have been caught up in people-pleasing and feel as though you are slowly dying on the inside. Maybe your body is even retaliating at this point because you’ve been ignoring yourself for too long.

More than ever, the health of our world depends on people waking up to and expressing their full potential. We need you to embody your unique qualities and quirks, to show up courageously as your authentic self, be the example you want to see in others, and to come up with creative services and solutions. There are people out there that want and need what you have to offer. Forget staying small, hidden and living with regrets. I dare you to show up and be fully you, without any apologies. This creates a magnificent ripple effect – imagine the kind of permission you’d be giving others to do the same for themselves. Now imagine our entire world population activated and engaging from a place of authenticity and joy!

So how do you get there?

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.”
~ Carl Jung

In order to transition to feeling and living in a different way than you previously have, you’ll need to step outside your comfort zone and be brave enough to try something new, and why not make it fun along the way, through playing. Play is the free expression of the soul. When we play, we tap into our innate intuitive abilities. We feel a sense of freedom and thus are willing to try new things and take risks which lead to discovery and insight more quickly than if we had tried to think our way through. In addition, have you ever noticed that the world looks a bit brighter or easier to get through when you are having fun? Since we each view the world through our own unique lens created from our thoughts, this affects our life experiences. When you step into an empowered perspective, you are capable of more than you ever imagined.

SoulPLAY Magic reminds us that when we allow ourselves to play (which is the antidote to depression), we nourish our soul, radiate at a higher vibration, see things differently through our lens, our energy becomes magnetic, and thus we are more easily able to manifest our dreams.

I invite you to polish your shine as we embark on a playful adventure so you can radiate your brilliance to the world!

My aim is to provide you with tools, resources and products that inspire, delight, and motivate you to live the life you were meant to live.

Featured Service - Manifested Self Portrait

Treat yourself to a custom created digital image of how you wish to be seen in this world. This desired vision of yourself is meant to be kept in daily view to help your mind already believe this is who you already are so that you may manifest your embodied vision more quickly. During the consultation call your desired outcome will be explored and clarified. The base photo can be taken by me or you can send one to me as a starting point.

Example images of client art portrait

Customer Love Notes

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

~Dr. Howard Thurman